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Friday, October 29, 2004

Metadata, Business Rules & Semantics

Bonnie O'Neil on Business Rules - at Business Intelligence Network

I found this article by Bonnie comprehesively gelling together parts of the current BPEL/Semantic Web Services space and BPM. A key piece of information is this:

"Business rules should be accessible to the business user. They should be able to look at the business rules at any time, and even modify them with permission. However, in most Business Intelligence Environments, the rules are buried in code. Therefore, a dedicated effort should be made to get them out of the code and into the architectural layer in which they can be stored centrally, but accessed locally, whenever necessary. This is possible given today’s technology, but it is time-consuming."

Nicely put ! Semantic Web services with associated logic based business rules might as well be a solution. BPEL is a good beginning.


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