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Thursday, October 21, 2004

SMBMeta standard

From the HP Semantic Web Blogger, Steve Cayzer writes:
"Mark Butler pointed me at Web Monkey's great introduction to metadata and RDF, covering the interesting SMBmeta standard, designed not surprisingly for small/medium business self description. Mark adds:

Amazingly ("Holy Semantic Web, Batman") quite a few businesses are already publishing data in this format on the web - for examples see
etc - for a complete list see http://www.overall.com/
It's in XML, but it looks fairly trivial to convert to RDF/XML. So I think it would be easy to put together a screenscraper to extract the metadata and transform it into RDF. "

That's interesting. One of the original visions of the Semantic Web was coexisting human and machine readable information. Over the years we have seen bits and pieces in this direction, most popular being RSS. If SMBMeta kicks off, it will present very interesting applications.


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