[agents] Call for Papers for the Special Issue on “Human-mediated Robot Autonomy” , International Journal of Social Robotics

Alessandro Umbrico alessandro.umbrico at istc.cnr.it
Thu Jan 11 09:39:20 EST 2024

Apologies for cross-posting


International Journal of Social Robotics

Call for Papers for the Special Issue on “Human-mediated Robot Autonomy”


The purposeful combination of the skills and computational capabilities 
of robotics platforms with human expertiseand know-howis crucial to 
realize effective robotic services in real-world ecological 
environments.In these scenarios, it emergesthe necessity to create 
human-mediated systems where the robot is in charge ofperforming (some) 
tasks autonomously under the human’s supervision and/or by requiring the 
(occasional) intervention of the users during the interaction. Human 
knowledge is expected to directly (e.g., through shared control and 
shared autonomy) and/or indirectly (e.g., through requisite 
specification) guide robot autonomy in order torealize behaviors that 
are in line with the desired domain objectives, safe and acceptable by 
involved human users. However, designing the robot’s behaviors mediated 
by the humans as well as defining how and when to merge human knowledge 
with the robot’s capabilities is still an opening challenge that 
requires collaboration and dialogue among different figures. In this 
respect, research should push the design and development of novel 
technologies, methodologies, and models that facilitatecommunication, 
and sharing of knowledge among the different stakeholders (e.g., 
roboticists, domain experts, and end-users) as well as facilitatethe 
integration of the resulting (potentially conflicting) requirements.

This special issue, therefore, aims at collecting contributions from 
different stakeholders concerning the design and deployment of novel 
human-mediated robotic services in real-world scenarios. In this regard, 
this special issue is open to both methodological and technical 
contributions. The former may propose innovative participatory design 
approaches capable of capturing the requirements of different 
viewpoints. The latter may propose novel technologies or approaches 
capable of synthesizing flexible and socially-compliant(interacting) 
behaviors of robots.

For more information, please, refer to this link: 


The deadline for manuscript submission is September 30, 2024.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Adaptive and Personalized Interaction with Human

- Social navigation

- Opening Challenges in natural human-robot interaction

- Methods and Protocols for Human-Mediated robot autonomystudies 
(including semi-autonomousapproaches (e.g., sharedcontrol, shared 
autonomy) but not limited to)

- Metrics for assessing custom human-robot interaction (e.g.,based on 
the users’ preference, culture, and attitude, but notlimited to)

- Metrics to evaluate the acceptance and social compliance 
ofsemi-autonomous robot behaviors

- Situation awareness and humans’ intention recognition

- Human-Aware Robot Behaviors

- Common-sense Reasoning

- Theory of Mind and cognitive theories applied to CognitiveRobotics

How to submityour article:
Interested authors should submittheir manuscripts for possible 
inclusionas a special issue paper through the journal online submission 
system at https://www.editorialmanager. 
<https://www.editorialmanager.com/soro/default.aspx>. Please choose the 
optionfor the corresponding special issue when uploading your 
manuscript.In addition, the website of the Call for papers of this 
special issue includes guidelines to submityour papers.

Guest Editors:

  Gloria Beraldo

  Riccardo De Benedictis

  Francesca Fracasso

  Zhao Han

  Alessandra Sciutti

  Masaki Takahashi

  Alessandro Umbrico


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<https://www.instagram.com/cnrsocial/> linkedin 

Alessandro Umbrico

alessandro.umbrico at cnr.it
Via San Martino della Battaglia, 44, 00159 – Roma

*www.cnr.it* <http://www.cnr.it/>
Devolvi il 5×1000 al CNR
CF 80054330586
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