Formal Language Definitions

(Greek letters are written out so this may be read as plain text.)


  • Symbol
  • Alphabet
  • String or Word
  • Language, Formal Language
  • Regular Language
  • Grammar, Formal Grammar
  • Regular Grammar
  • Context Free Language, CFL
  • Greibach Normal Form, GNF
  • Chomsky Normal Form
  • CYK Algorithm
  • Recursive Languages, Sets
  • Recursively Enumerable Languages, Sets
  • Chomsky Hierarchy of Grammars, Languages
  • P and NP Classes of Languages
  • Other links
  • Symbol

      A character, glyph, mark.
      An abstract entity that has no meaning by itself, often called uninterpreted.
      Letters from various alphabets, digits and special characters are
      the most commonly used symbols.


      A finite set of symbols.
      An alphabet is often denoted by sigma, yet can be given any name.
      B = {0, 1}  Says B is an alphabet of two symbols, 0 and 1.
      C = {a, b, c}  Says C is an alphabet of three symbols, a, b and c.
      Sometimes space and comma are in an alphabet while other times they
      are meta symbols used for descriptions.

    String also called a Word

      A finite sequence of symbols from an alphabet.
      01110 and 111 are strings from the alphabet B above.
      aaabccc and b are strings from the alphabet C above.
      A null string is a string with no symbols.
      The null string has length zero.
      The null string is usually denoted epsilon.
      Vertical bars around a string indicate the length of a string expressed as
      a natural number. For example  |00100| = 5, |aab| = 3, | epsilon | = 0

    Formal Language, also called a Language

      A set of strings from an alphabet.
      The set may be empty, finite or infinite.
      There are many ways to define a language. See definitions below.
      There are many classifications for languages. See definitions below.
      Because a language is a set of strings, the words language and set
      are often used interchangeably in talking about formal languages.
      L(M) is the notation for a language defined by a machine  M.
      The machine  M  accepts a certain set of strings, thus a language.
      L(G) is the notation for a language defined by a grammar  G.
      The grammar  G  recognizes a certain set of strings, thus a language.
      M(L) is the notation for a machine that accepts a language.
      The language  L  is a certain set of strings.
      G(L) is the notation for a grammar that recognizes a language.
      The language  L  is a certain set of strings.
      The union of two languages is a language.  L = L1 union L2
      The intersection of two languages is a language. L = L1 intersect L2
      The complement of a language is a language. L = sigma* - L1
      The difference of two languages is a language. L = L1 - L2

    Regular Language, Regular Expression, regular

      A set of strings from an alphabet.
      The set may be empty, finite or infinite.
      The building blocks of regular languages are symbols, concatenation of
      symbols to make strings (words), set union of strings and Kleene
      closure (denoted as *, also called the Kleene star, it should be
      typed as a superscript but this is plain text.)
      Informally, we use a syntax for regular expressions.
      using sigma as the set {0, 1} (an alphabet of two symbols)
      01110 is a string starting with the symbol  0  and then concatenating
      1, then 1, then 1, and finally concatenating 0. No punctuation is used
      between symbols or strings that are concatenated.
      (01+10) is a union of the two strings 01 and 10. The set {01, 10}
      (00+11)* is the Kleene closure of the union of 0 concatenated with 0 and
      1 concatenated with 1.
      The Kleene closure (star) is defined as the concatenation of
      none, one, two, or any countable number strings it applies to.
      Examples of Kleene star:
        1*  is the set of strings {epsilon, 1, 11, 111, 1111, 11111, etc. }
            This set is infinite.
        (1100)* is the set of strings {epsilon, 1100, 11001100, 110011001100, etc. }
        (00+11)* is the set of strings {epsilon, 00, 11, 0000, 0011, 1100, 1111,
                 000000, 000011, 001100, etc. }
                 note how the union ( + symbol) allows all possible choices
                 of ordering when used with the Kleene star.
        (0+1)* is all possible strings of zeros and ones, often written as
                 sigma * where sigma = {0, 1}
        (0+1)* (00+11) is all strings of zeros and ones that end with either
                 00 or 11.  Note that concatenation does not have an operator
        (w)+  is a shorthand for (w)(w)*   w is any string or expression and the
        superscript plus, + ,  means one or more copies of w are in the set defined
        by this expression. Because (w)* includes the null string, (w)+ does not.
      Some versions of grep implement the regular expression search by
      simulating a Finite Automata.
      Note that grep uses a different syntax and uses a subset of ASCII
      characters for symbols.

    Grammar, a formal grammar

      A grammar is defined as G = (V, T, P, S) where:
      V is a set of symbols called variables, typically S, A, B, ...
      T is a set of symbols called terminal, typically 0, 1, a, b, ...
      P is a set of productions
      S is the starting or goal variable from V
      The productions P are of the form:
          A -> w   
          Where A is a variable
                w is any concatenation of variables and terminals
      An example grammar is G = (V, T, P , S) where  V = { S, A }  T = { 0, 1 }
      and the productions, P , are:
                              S -> 0A | 0
                              A -> 10A    
      The vertical bar  |  means "or".
      This grammar corresponds to the regular expression  0(10)* which in turn
      corresponds to the  deterministic finite automata DFA
      shown in  Figure 451-f1a 0(10)* .  

    Regular Grammar

      A grammar is defined as G = (V, T, P, S) where:
      V is a set of symbols called variables, v1, v2, ... ,vn
      T is a set of symbols called terminal, t1, t2, ,,, ,tm
      P is a set of productions
      S is the starting or goal variable from V
      The productions P are of the form:
          A -> w
          A -> wB   
          Where A and B are variables
                w is any combination terminals, may be empty string
      Any regular grammar can be converted to an equivalent DFA, NFA,
      regular language or regular expression.

    Context Free Language, CFL

      A set of strings from an alphabet.
      The set may be empty, finite or infinite.
      A grammar G = (V, T, P, S) with the productions restricted to:
      not having an endless reduction loop with no reduction
      yacc and bison can process context free grammars and have the ability
      to handle some context sensitive grammars as well.
      Context Free Languages are related to Push Down Automata. 

    Greibach Normal Form, GNF

      A grammar G = (V, T, P, S) with the productions, P, restricted to the form:
      variable -> terminal variable(s)
      A -> a alpha   where A is a variable in V, a is a terminal in T and
      alpha is none, one or more variables in V.

    Chomsky Normal Form, CNF

      A grammar G = (V, T, P, S) with the productions restricted to the forms:
      variable -> variable variable                no epsilon
      variable -> terminal                         no epsilon
      A -> B C   A, B and C are variables in V and exactly two variables are on the right
      A -> a     A is a variable in V and a is exactly one terminal symbol in T.

    CYK Algorithm, Cocke-Younger-Kasami

      Given a CFG  G=(V, T, P, S) and a string x in T*, is x in L(G)?
      The CYK Algorithm uses dynamic programming (from 441 algorithms course)
      to provide a |x| cubed time algorithm to answer the question:
      What is the worse complexity of any CFG parser?
      Length of input cubed.

    Recursive Languages, recursive sets

      The languages, sets, accepted by Turing machines and unrestricted grammars.

    Recursively enumerable sets, r.e. languages

      The sets, languages, that can be generated (enumerated) where all strings
      in the set, language, of a given length can be generated.
      Usually the enumeration is strings of length 1, then strings of length 2,
      and so fourth.  Of course there may be no strings for some lengths.
      In some cases, generate Sigma^n one string at a time, and pass each
      string to a machine or grammar.  The accepted strings are the strings
      of length n.
      There is no requirement that the strings be generated in lexical or any
      other order.
      If both a set and its complement are recursively enumerable, then the
      set is recursive.

    Chomsky Hierarchy of Grammars / Languages

      Type 0, Grammars that generate  r.e. sets
              and characterize the  r.e.  languages
              Unrestricted grammars of the form  G = (V, T, P ,S)
              The restriction is removed from the form of the productions.
      Type 1, Grammars that characterize context sensitive languages.
      Type 2, Grammars that characterize context free languages.
      Type 3, Grammars that characterize regular languages.
      Note: Type 0 grammars can have infinite loops in the parser for the
      grammar when a string not in the grammar is input to the parser.

    P and NP classes of languages

      A class of languages is a set of languages that share some characteristic.
      Since a language is a set of strings from a finite alphabet, a class of
      languages is a set of sets.
      The language class P is the set of languages for which there exists a
      deterministic Turing machine that accepts each language in a number of
      transitions bounded by a fixed polynomial in the length of the input string.
      Start with a "standard" Turing machine with a finite state control that
      is deterministic, the TM has a transition table with one entry for each
      (state,input-symbol) pair.
      Consider a specific language that has strings of various lengths. Let the
      length of any string in the language be denoted n. If there exists a fixed
      polynomial in n, e.g. c * n^r for some fixed constant c and some fixed
      constant r, such that the Turing machine accepts or rejects all strings in
      the specific language in c * n^r moves, transitions, then that specific
      language is in the set P.
      The language class NP is different from the language class P in two ways:
      1) NP languages have Turing machine with a nondeterministic finite state
         control. Nondeterministic does not mean random.
      2) NP languages have a Turing machine that does not have to reject a
         string in any prescribed number of moves.
      Note: Without the time restriction, bounded number of moves, any
      nondeterministic Turing machine has an equivalent deterministic
      Turing machine. It is believed that the language class P is not
      equivalent to the language class NP but this belief is not yet proven.
       Other Classes of Languages 

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    Last updated 4/9/21