A space satellite problem: You are to compute the altitude and velocity of a 1000 kilogram communication satellite that is to orbit above a location on the Earths equator. All values are in metric units (meter, kilogram, second). Constants you need to know: The mass of the Earth is Me = 5.97 10^24 kilogram The universal gravitational constant G = 6.674 10^-11 The radius of the Earth is R = 6.378 10^6 meter. The circumference of the Earth at the equator is 40.07 10^6 meter. The location on the Earths equator is 6.378 10^6 meter from the Earth center The Earth rotates in 24 hours = 1440 minutes = 86,400 seconds Thus the location on the equator has a velocity of Ve=463.7 meter per second (40.07 10^6 / 86,400) The mass of the satellite Ms = 1000 kilogram The satellite will be orbiting at distance d meter from center of Earth. The satellite must rotate above the location on the equator at distance d meters from center of Earth for orbiting velocity v meters per second. The force on the satellite due to gravity is F F = G * Ms * Me / d*d The centripetal force of the orbiting satellite Fs at distance d, velocity v Fs = Ms * v^2 / d F must equal Fs for a stable orbit For the satellite to stay above the location on the equator, equal ratios v/d = Ve/R Your problem is to find the numerical values of v and d to at least three significant digits. This can be expressed as a nonlinear minimization problem: Minimize err to about zero err = | F - Fs | + | v/d - Ve/R | err = abs(G*Ms*Me/(d*d) = Ms*v*v/d) + abs(v/d - Ve/R) Start d > 4*R compute v to make second part zero, iterate d to larger values to reduce err toward zero. (ok to drive F-Fs toward zero) Another problem is to determine the launch trajectory of the rocket that is to place the satellite at distance d from center of earth, traveling at velocity v parallel to the equator and over the location on the equator. (left to students to solve, remember rocket problem)