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Lecture 23, Computing Volume and Area

Some volumes and areas you should already know:

         /  \
  x3,y3 /___ \ x2,y2

area of a triangle is 1/2 base times height

                             |  1   1   1 |          | 1   x1  y1 |
area of a triangle is 1/2 det| x1  x2  x3 | = 1/2 det| 1   x2  y2 |
                             | y1  y2  y3 |          | 1   x3  y3 |

area of a triangle is |(V2 - V1) x (V3 - V1)|  length of cross product

area of a rectangle is base times height
area of a parallelogram is base times height 
area of a circle is  Pi r^2

area.txt more area and volume formulas

Some variations that you may need some day:

You may not know the area of a five point star inscribed in
a unit circle or the area of an arbitrary closed polygon.

Easy to calculate, using the 

Sailors Algorithm:

Given the n points (x,y) of a closed polygon where no edges cross, compute the sum i=1..n (x_i+1 - x_i) * (y_i+1 + y_i)/2 (The first point is repeated as the n+1 point, add enough to the y's to make them all positive) The intuition for the Sailors Algorithm, on a shape with only vertical and horizontal edges is: a vertical line adds no area a horizontal line to the right adds area (length times average height) a horizontal line to the left subtracts area. The computed area will be positive if an upper outside edge is listed in counter clockwise order, else negative, take absolute value. A sample program is: area2_dat.py3 source code star.dat input area2_dat_py3.out output poly_area.c poly_area_maze.out maze.path poly_area_star.out star.path sailors_area.java sailors_area_java.out The maze (8 units wide, 7 units high, area is 35) is: The star (inscribed in a circle with radius 5, area about 28.06) is: Volume of a sphere 4/3 Pi r^3 Area of a sphere 4 Pi r^2 Volume of a cone, tetrahedron, any solid with a planar base that goes to a point 1/3 base area times height | 1 x1 y1 z1 | Volume of a tetrahedron 1/6 det | 1 x2 y2 z2 | | 1 x3 y3 z3 | | 1 x4 y4 z4 | using just the x,y,z of the four vertices t1, t2, t3, t4 t4 /\ / \ missing line from t2 to t4 / \ /______\ t1\ /t3 \ / \ / \/ t2 four surface triangles t1 t2 t3, t1 t2 t4, t1 t3 t4, t2 t3 t4

The general volume computation:

of a closed surface is a little more complicated. The sailors algorithm is still the basic idea. Consider a closed surface covered by triangles. Each triangle is three points and are coded counter clockwise such that the normal vector to the triangle points out of the volume. Make all z coordinates positive. Compute the average z for a triangle, "height". Compute the area for a triangle, "base". Compute the z component of the normal vector, znorm. The volume of this piece of the surface is height times base times znorm If znorm is positive, this triangle is on top and contributes positive volume. If znorm is negative, this triangle is on the bottom and contributes negative volume. The area in the x-y plane is the area of the triangle times znorm. A vertical triangle has znorm = 0. A horizontal triangle has znorm = 1 on top and -1 on bottom. A triangle tipped 45 degrees has a znorm = cos(45 degrees) = 0.7071 znorm is computed using 3 or more points that lie in a plane, x[0],y[0],z[0] x[1],y[1],z[1] x[2],y[2],z[2] forming two vectors a and b, then computing the vector cross product: float znormal(int n, float x[], float y[], float z[], float *area) { float ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, nx, ny, nz, ss; float cx, cy, cz, sss, sstot, ssstot; int i; sstot = 0.0; ssstot = 0.0; for(i=2; iNumerical approximation Using Utah Graphics .dat file for input volume_dat.py3 source code volume_dat_py3_cubet.out volume_dat_py3_tetra.out tetra.dat input data cubet.dat input data A program that uses graphics data files to compute the volume and area of a closed volume is: volume_dat2.c from data: sphere_div.dat output for a crude, 32 triangle, sphere is: volume_dat2.c reading sphere_div.dat status=0, zmax=1, points=18, polys=32 xmin=-1.000000, xmax=1.000000, ymin=-1.000000, ymax=1.000000 zmin=-1.000000, zmax=1.000000 enclosing area= 24, enclosing volume= 8 final total area = 10.4178, total volume = 2.94281 should be 12.56 and 4.189 from data: sphere_div2.dat output for a better, 128 triangle, sphere is: volume_dat2.c reading sphere_div2.dat status=0, zmax=1, points=66, polys=128 xmin=-1.000000, xmax=1.000000, ymin=-1.000000, ymax=1.000000 zmin=-1.000000, zmax=1.000000 enclosing area= 24, enclosing volume= 8 final total area = 11.9549, total volume = 3.81773 should be 12.56 and 4.189 from data: sphere_div3.dat output for a better, 512 triangle, sphere is: volume_dat2.c reading sphere_div3.dat status=0, zmax=1, points=258, polys=512 xmin=-1.000000, xmax=1.000000, ymin=-1.000000, ymax=1.000000 zmin=-1.000000, zmax=1.000000 enclosing area= 24, enclosing volume= 8 final total area = 12.4082, total volume = 4.0916 should be 12.56 and 4.189 from data: sphere_div4.dat output for a good, 2048 triangle, sphere is: volume_dat2.c reading sphere_div4.dat status=0, zmax=1, points=1026, polys=2048 xmin=-1.000000, xmax=1.000000, ymin=-1.000000, ymax=1.000000 zmin=-1.000000, zmax=1.000000 enclosing area= 24, enclosing volume= 8 final total area = 12.5264, total volume = 4.16419 should be 12.56 and 4.189 The area of a perfect sphere of radius 1 is about 12.56 The volume of a perfect sphere of radius 1 is about 4.189 from data: bball.dat Buckminster Fuller Geodesic output for small, 90 triangle, sphere is: volume_dat2.c reading bball.dat status=0, zmax=1, points=42, polys=90 xmin=-0.951060, xmax=0.951060, ymin=-1.000000, ymax=1.000000 zmin=-1.000000, zmax=1.000000 enclosing area= 23.217, enclosing volume= 7.60848 final total area = 13.1894, total volume = 3.94159 should be 12.56 and 4.189 No bull? let us compute the volume of this bull datread.java needed for volume_dat2 volume_dat2.java program bull.dat data volume_dat2.c reading bull.dat status=0, zmax=3177.82, points=6202, polys=12398 xmin=-2060.574463, xmax=1978.578857, ymin=-1580.072998, ymax=1429.878052 zmin=356.500702, zmax=3177.816406 enclosing area= 6.40908e+07, enclosing volume= 3.43006e+10 final total area = 2.07025e+07, total volume = 3.64616e+09 That's a lot of bull! Seems scaled up by 500 relative to feet, in all three dimensions. Thus, about 29.16 cubic feet of bull. read_stl.java needed for volume_stl volume_stl.java program bull.stl data volume_stl.c reading bull.stl volume_stl reading file bull.stl num_tri=12398 xmin=-2060.574463, xmax=1974.23877 ymin=-1580.072998, ymax=1429.878052 zmin=356.500702, zmax=3177.816406 compute volume and area final total area =2.0702515385253366E7, total volume =3.646510695181979E9

Changing volume_dat2.c to volume_ucd.c

Just reading a UCD .inp file, rather than a .dat file. volume_ucd.c blivet.inp volume_ucd_c.out

determining surface normal vectors

The blue dot is on the surface, the red dot is the direction of the normal. normal_dat.c blivet.dat star3.dat star3tri.dat volume_dat2_star3tri.out

More than you every wanted to know about cross product

For 3, 4, 5 etc. dimensions the cross product is a vector in that dimension that is orthogonal to the given d-1 vectors in that dimension. The comments, many lines, in the following "C" program provide definitions, then code provides demonstration. The checking is that the dot product of two orthogonal vectors is zero. cross_general.c comments and source cross_general_c.out output cross_general.java comments and source cross_general_java.out output simeq_plus.c utility simeq_plus.h utility Then, bland 3D versions. cross_product.c comments and source cross_product_c.out output simeq_plus.c utility simeq_plus.h utility Then, 6D version, not unique, choice of fill. cross_product6d.c comments and source cross_product6d_c.out output determinant.c utility determinant.h utility Then, 6D version, not unique, unit vector fill when less than 5 given. cross_product6du.c comments and source cross_product6du_c.out output determinant.c utility determinant.h utility Then there are ellipse, development test to get to ellipse3: ellipse.java source code ellipse.java source code ellipse.java source code ellipse.java source code ellipse_java.out output To determine if a point x,y is inside a closed polygon of lines test_inside.java source code test_inside_java.out output test_meet.java source code test_meet_java.out output For sharpening your observation, analyze a few optical illusions: www.pcmag.com/slideshow/story/325796/14-optical-illusions-that-prove-your-brain-sucks
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