CMSC 291 Programming Topics in C++ Syllabus

Class schedule, topic and assignments

Tuesday and Thursday 5:30-6:20 SS 105

Because C++ The Complete Reference is a reference book rather than
a traditional textbook, reading will be scattered.
'pp' means a sequence of pages, 'p' means one page.

Lec Date  Subject                          Reading             Homework
                                                               assigned  due
 1  1/30  Introduction and Overview        pp256-267 p81       HW1
 2. 2/1   Available libraries              pp268-274 pp158-159
 3. 2/6   Input / Output, for, if          pp512-514 pp553-558 HW2       HW1
 4. 2/8   Exceptions, try, throw, catch    pp490-501 p509
 5. 2/13  Classes                          pp270-286
 6. 2/15  Inheritance                      pp278-283           HW3       HW2
 7. 2/20  Multiple Inheritance             pp419-428 
 8. 2/22  Virtual Inheritance              pp439-443           HW4       HW3
 9. 2/27  Pure Virtual, Abstract           pp445-457 
10. 3/1   Review                                               study
11. 3/6   Quiz 1
12. 3/8   friend and static                pp302-306           HW5       HW4
13. 3/13  hierarchies, composition         lecture notes
14. 3/15  Templates                        pp462-472           HW6       HW5  
15. 3/27  STL <vector>                     pp629-641 pp830-833
16. 3/29  STL <algorithm>                  pp660-678 pp836-855 HW7
17. 4/3   STL <string>                     pp679-691 pp878-893           HW6
18. 4/5   STL <list>                       pp641-653 pp815-818 (no class)
          STL <set>                        pp827-829           
19. 4/10  STL <priority_queue>             pp826-827           HW8       HW7
          File IO and streams                    pp542-568
20. 4/12  Project Description                    handout       Project
21. 4/17  Review                                               study     HW8
22. 4/19  Quiz 2
23. 4/24  Understanding 'const' and parameters                 HW9
24. 4/26  Recursive objects, eight queens  lecture notes
25. 5/1   Interfacing to C and other languages                 HW10      HW9
26. 5/3   STL <complex> and extensions     pp894-897
27. 5/8   Object Oriented Draw Program Design                  HW11      HW10
28. 5/10  Classes for traffic simulation, vehicle.h etc.                 Project
29. 5/15  Rewiew                                               study     HW11
30. 5/22  Final Exam 6:00pm-8:00pm  (no other)    all late homework due.

Last updated 1/29/01