CMSC-691g Internet Security: Course Policy (Spring 1996)


CMSC-641 algorithms, or permission of the instructor. No prior experience in cryptology is required. This course will use mathematical tools, including number theory and discrete mathematics.

Required Work

  1. Participate actively in class. Each student should come to each classed prepared to discuss the assigned papers and ready with at least one thoughtful, focused question.
  2. Carry out an original research project, presented orally and in writing as a technical report. For this project, each student should read, thoroughly understand, and extend any research paper of his or her choice that relates to course material.
  3. There may be a small number of written exercises connected with the assigned reading.


Semester grades will be based on student performance, weighted as follows:
  1. Term Project--60%
  2. Class Participation--20%
  3. Written Exercises--20%

Collaborative Work on Homework

Students are encouraged to study and to work on homework problems together. Each student, however, must write up each homework solution entirely independently. When writing up any homework solution, you should be entirely alone. You should never look at anyone else's solution before handing in your solution, and you should never allow anyone to look at any of your solutions before they have handed in theirs.

Academic Misconduct

Each student is expected to be familiar with all University and Department policies on academic misconduct. An egregious type of academic misconduct is plagiarism, which in each of its many forms involves representing somebody else's work as your own. Violations of academic honesty will be dealt with severely.