CMSC-691g Internet Security: Assignments (Spring 1996)

Each student is expected to come to each class prepared to discuss the assigned papers critically. The major written assignment is to carry out an original research project related to any theme of the course. In addition, there will be a small number of directed written assignments.

Homework 1

Prepare an instructive numerical example illustrating key selection and encryption using the RSA cryptosystem. Show and explain all calculations by hand, including but not restricted to the calculation of the encryption and decryption keys. Be sure that your example is free of any blatant misleading unusual properties (such as equal encryption and decryption exponents), and that the encryption exponent is composite. Write in complete sentences, in a style suitable for use in an encyclopedia for non-mathematicians. Check your work using a computer. Due: April 1, 1996.

Homework 2

Build a www homepage for your work on this course. The purpose is to help you and others organize and gain easy access to useful information relating to any and all aspects of this course. Be creative. The instructor will check your page during the first week of every month of the course; the final page is due on May 15, 1996.


As the major course activity, each student must carry out and present a term project.

Written Progress Report

The written progress report may take any form, but must include the following information:
  1. Title of project
  2. Date
  3. Author name and affiliation
  4. List of keywords (for indexing purposes).
  5. Identification of the paper (or papers) on which your project will be based, and copy of the paper.
  6. Brief description of what you plan to do, why your project is significant, and how you plan to do it.
  7. Clear and concise description of what will be novel about your work (in what way will you extend the paper you are studying?).
  8. Brief description of what you have done, and what remains to be done
  9. Brief description of any difficulties you expect to encounter, and how you plan to overcome these problems.
  10. Bibliography (list of all sources on which you will base your work)
  11. Realistic schedule for completing your project.

Project Abstract and Draft Report

  1. Informative abstract of approximately 250 words concretely summarizing your main findings.
  2. Draft report of approximately five pages or more, including complete outline, introduction, preliminary findings, bibliography, and copy of main paper(s) on which your project is based.