CMSC-641 Algorithms: Assignments (Fall 1998)

Read and follow the homework guidelines. All Homework is due at the beginning of class. Hand in each problem separately so that it can be graded separately. Late work is not accepted.
  1. Assignment 1: Analyzing Looping and Recurive Algorithms (due Sept 8)
  2. Assignment 2: Recurrences and Dynamic Programming (due Sept 15)
  3. Assignment 3: Matroids and Algorithm Links (due Sept 25)
  4. Assignment 4: Closed semirings and amortized analysis (due Oct 6)
  5. Assignment 5: Binomial and Fibonacci Heaps (due Oct 22)
  6. Assignment 6: Cycle Detection, and Dynamic Programming Revisited (due Oct 29)
  7. Assignment 7: More Cycle Detection and Dynamic Programming (due Nov 3)
  8. Assignment 8: Network Flow and NP-Completeness (due November 17)
  9. Assignment 9: NP-Completeness and Parallel Algorithms (due November 24)
  10. Assignment 10: Project: Cycle Detection (due December 10)