Assignment 1: Volume Rendering

CMSC 635, Spring 2004


Using raycast or hardware texture volume rendering approaches, render the volume data in (the CT head and MR brain from the Stanford volume data archive). You should be able to render this data from an arbitrary viewpoint. You should provide some way to set the transfer function (e.g. by interpolating a full transfer function from several fixed values, or by loading from a 1D image).

What to turn in

Turn in all program files for your volume renderer and at least a couple interesting images of each volume using the gl.umbc submit system by 24:00 Friday February 20th:
submit cs635 Proj2 <files>
You should also include an informal one to two page write-up about your assignment. While the write-up may be informal, I may count off for spelling and grammar. Please proofread before you turn it in. The write up should describe what you did, how you did it, how well you think it worked, and what further work you might do. Include what hardware you used (it is not necessary to use the gl.umbc systems, though you must submit there).