Homework 4


Reading Assignment:

Reference numbers refer to the numbered references given in the syllabus. 

Problem 1.

Let  ksi  be the primitive element of  GF(26)  defined by  ksi = x mod x6 + x + 1.  Compute the orders of the elements of  ksii  for  i=0,1, ... , 62.  Summarize your results in a log/order table.  For which i's are the ksii's primitive?  Do you see a pattern?  Make a conjecture about this pattern.  

Problem 2.

Compute the addition and multiplication tables for the ring

                                R3 = GF(2)[x]/(x3+1)

Also express each of the following ideals in the ring  R3 as a set of elements of R3 .

                        (0),  (1+x), (x2+x+1), (1), (x2+1), (x3+1), (x5+x+1).

For example,

                        (0) = { 0 }   and   ( x4 + x2 +1 ) = { 0, x2 + x+1 }


Problem 3.  Let  V  denote the cyclic code of length  15   in  R15  given by the generator polynomial:

g(x) = x8 + x4 + x2 + x + 1.

Last Modified: March 14, 2001