2007 NSF Next Generation Data Mining Symposium
Economics of privacy-preserving data mining (ICDE'07 panel)
Data Mining in Vehicular Sensor Networks: Technical and Marketing Challenges (KDD'07 talk)
Thoughts on Human Emotions, Communication Breakthroughs, and the Next Generation of Data Mining (NGDM'07 talk)

Data Mining: Next Generation Challenges and Future Directions
H. Kargupta, A. Joshi, K. Sivakumar, and Y. Yesha
MIT/AAAI Press (to be released in early 2004)

Adv ances in Distributed and Parallel Knowledge Discovery
Edited by Hillol Kargupta and Philip Chan

Open Positions :

I am always interested to hear from motivated graduate and undergraduate students. If you are interested in distributed data mining algorithm development, analysis, experimentations, and system building send e-mail to hillol AT cs DOT umbc DOT edu with a copy of the resume in plain ASCII text format.

Jobs at Agnik.

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