Workshop Schedule

Time: 2:00--5:30pm, Saturday, July 7, 2001
Nevada Room, Holiday Inn Golden Gateway Hotel
San Francisco

1. Introduction
    Hillol Kargupta
    Time: 2:00--2:10pm

2. Biomemetic Representation in Genetic Programming (Full paper)
     Michael A. Lones and Andy M. Tyrrell
     Time:  2:10--2:50pm

3. Tempered Phenotypes: Relaxing the Mapping between Genotype and Phenotype (Short paper)
     Paul J. Kennedy
     Time:  2:50--3:15pm

COFFEE BREAK  --- 3:15--3:30pm

4. Extending the Simple Genetic Algorithm into Multi-Objective Problems via Mendelian Pressure (Full paper)
     B. Anthony Kadrovach, Stephen R. Michaud, Jesse B. Zydallis, Gary B. Lamont, Barry Secrest, and David Strong
     Time: 3:30--4:10pm

5. Towards Machine Learning Through Genetic Code-Like Transformations (Full paper)
    Hillol Kargupta
    Time: 4:10--4:50pm

6. A Genetic Algorithm with Multiple Reading Frames (Short paper)
     Terence Soule and Amy E. Ball
     Time: 4:50--5:15pm

7. Open Discussion
     Time:  5:15--5:30pm