CMSC 691V:

Volume Rendering Project

DUE: October 14, 1998

Your assignment is to implement one of the following volume rendering algorithms from scratch:

to produce images of the data sets:
Additionally, you can also volume render this data set:
    /home/faculty5/ebert/abd/abd_ct_0_111.ct (this is a different format)

You also have the option of choosing which accumulation technique you want to use: atmospheric or normal.
A simple shading model can be used. Here is some information on implementing a simple Phong shading model.

A sample image from the abdominal data set is the following: 

What you need to turn in:

Create a web page for the assignment and email us with the URL by the submission deadline.
The web page should have the following on it: Your program can output images in any format readable by the "xv" program.