[agents] HAI 2023 - Call for Posters

Kazunori Terada terada at gifu-u.ac.jp
Mon Jul 10 16:55:58 EDT 2023

[We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this message]

We invite researchers to submit posters to be displayed during the poster session of the 11th ACM International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2023) to be held in Gothenburg, Sweden, from 4-7 December 2023. We seek contributions from a broad range of disciplines such as computer science, design, engineering, psychology, sociology, cognitive science, business, and marketing.


Topics of posters include, but are not limited to:

- studies of HAI with a quantitative/qualitative or a mixed-methods approach, across a wide variety of application areas, e.g., therapy and healthcare, education, public spaces, and retail.
- technological advances in HAI
- experimental methods for the evaluation of HAI
- "in the wild" field studies for the evaluation of HAI
- impact of embodiment
- character and avatar design
- agents in social networks
- agents in computer games
- affective computing
- art and technology
- design approaches
- innovative research methods
- long-term studies involving HAI

Paper length should be up to 2 pages excluding references. All papers must be in the ACM SIGCHI format. Please visit the submission page at the HAI 2023 website to prepare and submit your papers. This area will be changed in accordance with the ACM publication process (including conference name, ISSN, etc.). All submissions should be anonymized. Please remove all author information, including references to your own work and institutions. Submissions are done through PCS.

Please note that in submitting your work, you automatically agree to commit to be a reviewer for the poster submissions. Authors may be asked to indicate their area(s) of expertise when submitting their work, and may be asked to serve as a reviewer for posters that fall into their area.

The HAI 2023 review process for posters involves the Poster Chairs, and external reviewers. Each poster paper will have two external reviews, and a meta-review assessment with a final decision by one of the poster chairs. Posters will be evaluated on the basis of research originality, significance, and relevance to HAI.

Authors of accepted posters are required to show their work as a poster during the poster session. We are currently finalizing the presentation format and the poster size. We will have more detailed information from the next CfP.

**Important Dates

- Poster submissions: 4 August 2023, 11:59 AOE
- Acceptance Notification: 24 August 2023
- Camera-ready Deadline: 14 September 2023, 11:59 AOE

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