[agents] Fwd: CFP - Ethics and Trust in Human-AI Collaboration: Socio-Technical Approaches

Andrea Loreggia andrea.loreggia at gmail.com
Wed Mar 29 03:41:19 EDT 2023

*(Apologies for possible cross-posting)*

a Workshop on Ethics and Trust in Human-AI Collaboration: Socio-Technical

August 19, 20, or 21, 2023, Macao
co-located with IJCAI 2023

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/ethaics-2023/



The use of AI should be to augment human intelligence rather than replace
it, as combining the capabilities of humans and machines can lead to better
decision-making in various tasks. For human-AI collaboration to be
effective, hybrid systems need to be designed that address trust and ethics
issues, such as transparency, fairness, and misinformation detection. These
issues must be central to the design, development, and use of human-AI
collaboration systems, alongside decision quality. To achieve these goals,
cognitive theories and knowledge from other cognitive sciences are
essential. The article proposes a workshop that aims to connect scholars
from three disciplines: Human-AI collaborative environments, Ethics and
Trust, and Cognitive theories of the human mind. The workshop aims to
promote the exchange of ideas and solutions to enhance human-AI
collaboration. Addressing these issues can lead to better decisions than
what humans or machines can make alone while ensuring trust and resolving
ethical concerns.

* Human-AI collaboration systems: notions, design, use, and evaluation
* Generative AI in human-AI collaboration
* Trust and ethics in AI-human collaboration
* Ethics issues in human-AI collaboration application domains, such as
health and education
* AI nudges
* Human upskilling
* Human-AI trust
* Ethics issues in human-AI systems
* Cognitive theories of human behavior, decisions, and collaboration
* Misinformation detection and explainability in AI-human collaboration
* Value alignment and displacement of human decision makers in AI-human
* Innovative surveys of existing work on human-AI collaboration and
cognitive sciences



Paper submission deadline: May 1, 2023
Author notification: June 5, 2023
Camera-ready version: June 20, 2023
EthAIcs Workshop: August 19, 20, or 21, 2023



Given the multidisciplinary nature of the topic, the workshop encourages
cross-fertilization among experts of various disciplines inside and outside
AI. The program includes invited talks, short presentations of accepted
papers, and panel discussions where panelists and participants will discuss
specific topics in depth. Moreover, we plan to organize poster sessions to
facilitate discussions between the authors and the other participants.

The workshop is a physical-only event. At least one author from each
accepted paper must register for the workshop and travel to the IJCAI venue
in person.



We encourage academics, policy makers, and practitioners in the many
disciplines relevant to the topics of this event to join this workshop.

Page limit: papers must be no longer than 9 pages in total: 7 pages for the
body of the paper and 2 pages for references; the optional ethics statement
can be placed either in the body of the paper or in the reference pages.
For accepted papers, the last two pages can also contain acknowledgments
and the contribution statement.

The submission format is the standard IJCAI Proceedings Style, which can be
found at

The review process is single-blind.

Submissions of papers should be done through

Accepted papers will be published in CEUR WS Proceedings.



Marianna Ganapini, Union College, USA
Andrea Loreggia, University of Brescia, Italy
Nicholas Mattei, Tulane University, USA
Francesca Rossi, IBM Research, USA
Biplav Srivastava, University of South Carolina, USA
Brent Venable, University of West Florida and IHMC, USA

Best regards,
Andrea Loreggia
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