[agents] IJCAI 2023 DC call

Turrini, Paolo P.Turrini at warwick.ac.uk
Fri Feb 3 09:00:24 EST 2023

Please forward to whoever may be interested,
Best wishes,

Call for IJCAI 2023 Doctoral Consortium Program

Students are invited to apply for admission to the doctoral consortium to be held at the IJCAI 2023 conference in Cape Town, South Africa. The conference will take place on August 19 - 25, 2023, and the doctoral consortium will be held on August 21, 2023, on the last day of the tutorial/workshop program.

The doctoral consortium provides an opportunity for Ph.D. students to discuss their research interests and career objectives with established researchers in AI, network with other participants, and receive mentoring about their research interests and career planning/options.

The doctoral consortium will expose students to different areas of research within AI and help build professional connections within the international community of AI researchers.

Application and Submission Instructions

Applicants should submit (as a single PDF file) the following:

  1.  A two-page extended abstract that summarizes

     *   The applicant’s main research directions or challenges (e.g., a potential thesis topic) being investigated,

     *   The specific contributions made (on the research direction), and

     *   The directions for the remaining work.

In particular, please distinguish your research from the current state-of-the-art (e.g., related work), including explaining and discussing existing limitations, novelties in your approaches, and the soundness of your approaches.

Moreover, it is important to highlight why you think the proposed approaches have the potential to address your research challenges (e.g., mentioning your prior studies and experiences). If successful, what are the possible impacts of the research and approaches? If applicable, please also include the potential methods to evaluate the feasibility of the approaches.

The extended abstract has to be formatted using the IJCAI two-column format (downloadable here: https://www.ijcai.org/authors_kit), and is strictly limited to 2 pages, including references. Submissions are not double-blind, which means the author’s name and affiliation should be included. When writing the extended abstract, remember that the audience is knowledgeable about AI, but not necessarily about the specific topic of your research.

Be sure to introduce the content at a level that the general IJCAI 2023 audience can understand your extended abstract. Please also include enough details for the experts to understand your contributions. Accepted extended abstracts will be published in the IJCAI 2023 Proceedings and will be presented at the doctoral consortium.

  1.  A curriculum vitae (2 pages) with background (name, university), education (degree sought, year/status in degree, previous degrees), employment, and relevant experience in research (publications, presentations, conferences attended, etc.).

  1.  A personal statement (1-2 pages) with answers to the following questions:

  1.  Indicate (cite) around five favorite papers and briefly describe how they influenced your work.

  2.  Please list at least three mentor suggestions (may be chosen from the list of PCs, SPCs, or ACs in IJCAI and related conferences from recent years). For example, such a list is available for IJCAI 2022 at https://ijcai-22.org/ijcai-ecai-program-committees<https://ijcai-22.org/ijcai-ecai-program-committees/%5D>.

  3.  Have you attended the IJCAI DC previously? If not, have you attended DC at other conferences? Please say which one(s) and what was most useful to you.

  4.  Have you submitted a paper to the main IJCAI 2023 conference? If so, what is the title of the paper?

  5.  When do you expect to graduate?

  6.  What type of job do you desire after graduation (research, teaching, development, etc.), and what do you envision doing for the next five years after graduation?

  1.  Finally, we require a short supporting letter from your supervisor/professor. This letter is to be sent to doctoral at ijcai-23.org via email, by the supervisor/professor, with the subject “IJCAI 2023: Recommendation Letter for [FirstName LastName]”

Doctoral consortium applications can be submitted via

https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/IJCAI2023/Submission/Index by choosing “Doctoral consortium” in the drop-down menu.

The selection process will consider the quality of the submitted applications and the progress of the applicants.

All students, including DC applicants, can apply for student travel grants separately on the IJCAI 2023 website. A limited number of travel grants will be available.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: March 3 (23:59 UTC-12 or Anywhere on Earth (AOE))

Author Notification: April 20 (23:59 UTC-12 or Anywhere on Earth (AOE))

Camera Ready Deadline: TBD

Doctoral Consortium: August 21, 2023 (tentatively)


Please send all enquiries about the DC program to the IJCAI 2023 Doctoral Consortium co-chairs:

  *   Dorothea Baumeister (Federal University of Applied Administrative Science, Germany)

  *   Hau Chan (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States)

  *   Krzysztof Sornat (IDSIA, Switzerland)

at the following address: doctoral at ijcai-23.org.

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