[agents] Fantastic MASs and where to find them: repo now available!

Viviana Mascardi viviana.mascardi at unige.it
Wed Dec 7 06:57:35 EST 2022

Dear colleagues,
the first release of the Fantastic MASs repository is now available 
here: https://mas-unige.github.io/fantastic_mass/
Feel free to take a tour and send comments and suggestions :)

If you contributed, thank you for your help: please check the contents, 
we'll be happy to fix bugs and to extend the description of your 
MAS/framework/extension if needed.

If you did not contribute yet... there is still time for doing it via 
this form: https://forms.office.com/r/ZGx1gKFtR4

We will update the repo weekly and we will provide a more professional 
and user-friendly release soon: we really hope to see the repo grow and 
become useful for the community!

Feel free to contact us for any question.

Best regards,

Daniela Briola, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy 
(daniela.briola at unimib.it)
Angelo Ferrando, University of Genova, Italy (angelo.ferrando at unige.it)
Viviana Mascardi, University of Genova, Italy (viviana.mascardi at unige.it)


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