[agents] The First International Knowledge Graph Reasoning Challenge (IKGRC 2023)

Kouji KOZAKI kozaki at osakac.ac.jp
Sun Dec 4 20:23:05 EST 2022

The First International Knowledge Graph Reasoning Challenge (IKGRC 2023)
   co-located with
17th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC)
<<< Submission deadline: Dec.17th, 2022.(Extended) >>>

Recent advances in machine learning have led to the application of 
intelligence (AI) technology to a variety of social problems. Accordingly,
being able to explain the reason for an AI decision is becoming 
important to
ensure the secure and safe use of AI techniques.

On this background, the Knowledge Graph Reasoning Challenge has been 
from 2018 in Japan. It aims to promote techniques for explainable AI using
knowledge graphs.
In the challenge, the task is to estimate the culprits with a reasonable
explanation using a dataset of knowledge graphs representing eight Sherlock
Holmes mystery stories. The challenge has been held four times in Japan, 
24 approaches have been proposed and fruitfully discussed, including 
to solving the constraint satisfaction problem, logical inference, and 
learning techniques including knowledge graph embedding.

In the workshop, we would like to organize the First International 
Graph Reasoning Challenge (IKGRC 2023) to discuss a wider variety of 
graph reasoning technologies for explainable AI.

The knowledge graph dataset is available as open data at
We are soliciting entries for the dataset in the following three divisions.

 1. Main track: Development of a system that leads to one or more culprits
in one or more of the target stories.
 2. Tool track: Development of tools to solve partial tasks required in 
process of finding the culprit, e.g., suspect estimation, alibi 
motive explanation, etc.
 3. Idea track: Ideas for how to realize 1 and 2 (without implementation)

Please submit a short paper (2 pages, IEEE format) with an outline of 
each of
the submitted categories by [December 17, 2022]. Systems and tools may 
be under
development. After peer review, accepted papers will be published in the
Proceedings of the ICSC.
If your paper is accepted, you will be required to send us materials 
of the materials will be provided separately) explaining your system, 
and ideas at least two weeks before the IKGRC 2023 (either February 1-3, 
2023) .
On the day of the challenge, you will be asked to present your system, 
or idea with a demonstration (online participation is possible). Prizes 
be awarded to the best entries.

For more details, please visit the official website:

For inquiries, please contact: kgrc at knowledge-graph.jp
Special Committee Member, Semantic Web and Ontology (SWO) SIG,
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence

We hope you will consider applying for the challenge.

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