[agents] Call for papers International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2023)

AndreA Orlandini andrea.orlandini at istc.cnr.it
Mon Oct 3 08:37:31 EDT 2022

*Call for Papers: ICAPS 2023 <https://icaps23.icaps-conference.org>*

ICAPS 2023, the 33rd International Conference on Automated Planning and 
Scheduling, will take place in Prague, July 8-13, 2023. ICAPS 2023 will 
be part of the ICAPS conference series, the premier forum for exchanging 
news and research results on the theory and applications of intelligent 
planning and scheduling technology.

ICAPS 2023 will feature 4 different tracks:

- Main Track <https://icaps23.icaps-conference.org/calls/main_track>
- Industry and Application Track 
- Planning and Learning Track 
- Robotics Track <https://icaps23.icaps-conference.org/calls/robotics_track>

Additionally, the ICAPS program will include a journal track, 
demonstrations, workshops, and tutorials, each having separate 
submission and notification dates, to be announced separately.

The ICAPS 2023 program committee invites paper submissions related to 
automated planning and scheduling. Relevant contributions include but 
are not limited to:

- Theoretical foundations of planning and scheduling
- Classical planning techniques and analysis
- Knowledge representation for planning and scheduling
- Planning with time and resources
- Plan and schedule execution, monitoring, and repair
- Continual, on-line, and real-time planning and scheduling
- Plan recognition, plan management, and goal reasoning
- Uncertainty and stochasticity in planning and scheduling
- Partially observable and unobservable domains
- Conformant, contingent, and adversarial planning
- Multi-agent and distributed planning
- Planning and scheduling with continuous state and action spaces
- Planning and scheduling with mixed continuous and discrete 
- Robot planning and scheduling (see also the special track)
- Knowledge acquisition and engineering for planning and scheduling
- Applications and case studies of planning and scheduling techniques 
(see also the special track)
- Learning for planning and scheduling (see also special the track)
- Human-aware planning and scheduling

*Author Guidelines*

Authors may submit technical papers or position papers.

Technical papers are expected to report on substantial original 
research, while position papers are expected to discuss ideas and 
concepts, for instance, via thoughtful critiques or bold new 
perspectives of the field, historical perspectives and analysis, or 
technical discussions of various implementation techniques.

Both *technical and position papers* can be *long* (_8 pages AAAI style 
plus up to one page of references_) or *short* (_4 pages plus up to one 
page of references_).

The type of paper must be indicated at submission time. All papers, 
regardless of length, will be reviewed against the standard criteria of 
relevance, originality, significance, clarity, soundness, and are 
expected to meet the same high standards set by ICAPS. Short papers may 
be of narrower scope, for example by addressing a highly specific issue, 
or proposing or evaluating a small, yet important, extension of previous 
work or new idea. Over length papers will be rejected without review.

Authors making multiple submissions must ensure that each submission has 
significant unique content. Papers submitted to ICAPS 2023 may not be 
submitted to other conferences or journals during the ICAPS 2023 review 
period nor may they be already under review, accepted, or published in 
other conferences or journals.

*Best paper fast-track to top AI journals*

Following the ICAPS tradition, in ICAPS 2023 we will give a best paper 
and best student paper awards. These papers will also receive an 
invitation to submit an extended version to either the Journal of 
Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) or the Artificial Intelligence 
Journal (AIJ).

*Ethical/Societal Impact*

It is optional for authors to include a statement of the potential 
broader impact of their work, including its ethical aspects and future 
societal consequences. This statement can be included in either the main 
body pages or the reference page. If such a statement is not included in 
the paper but the reviewers deem that such a statement is necessary, 
then the authors will be asked to provide one during the author response 
period for review. If the paper is accepted, the statement provided will 
need to be incorporated in the camera-ready version.

*Submission Instructions*

All submissions will be made electronically, through the EasyChair 
conference system <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icaps23>.

Submitted PDF papers should be anonymous for double-blind reviewing, 
adhere to the page limits of the relevant track CFP/submission type 
(long or short), and follow the AAAI author kit instructions for 
formatting <https://www.aaai.org/Publications/Templates/AuthorKit23.zip>.

In addition to the submitted PDF paper, authors can submit supplementary 
material (videos, technical proofs, additional experimental results) for 
their paper. Please make sure that the supporting material is also 
anonymized. Papers should be self-contained; reviewers are encouraged, 
but not obligated, to consider supporting material in their decisions.

*Important Dates*

We have arranged our schedule to allow for the revision and resubmission 
of papers rejected from AAAI 2023.

- November 25, 2022 - Abstracts due (electronic submission)
- November 30, 2022 - Full papers due (electronic submission, PDF)
- January 16-19, 2023 - Author feedback period
- February 4, 2023 - Notification of acceptance or rejection

The reference timezone for all deadlines is UTC-12. That is, as long as 
there is still some place anywhere in the world where the deadline has 
not yet passed, you are on time!

*ICAPS Program Chairs*

- Sven Koenig, USC, USA
- Roni Stern, Ben Gurion University, Israel
- Mauro Vallati, University of Huddersfield, UK

For inquiries contact: *icaps23 at easychair.org*

AndreA Orlandini PhD

  National Research Council of Italy
  Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology
  Phone:  +39-06-44595-223      E-mail:andrea.orlandini at istc.cnr.it
  Fax:    +39-06-44595-243      Url:http://www.istc.cnr.it/group/pst

Me, the one and only person that never leaves me alone!
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