[agents] ICAPS Doctoral Consortium: *Survey* and Call for Applications

Sara Bernardini sara.bernardini at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 13:28:28 EST 2022

Dear all,

We are conducting a survey to help us planning the DC and form the program, so please
participate if you have a few minutes and want to support us with planning.


To all PhD supervisors/advisors: Please forward this to your PhD students.

Taking part in the survey is not restricted to potential participants/applicants;
everybody is invited to provide some feedback, though we hope that many of our potential applicants will take part in the survey so that we can create a program that's best for them.

Please also note our call or applications below, deadline (paper submission is due in a few weeks).

ICAPS Doctoral Consortium

The ICAPS Doctoral Consortium (DC) is intended to provide Ph.D. students with the opportunity to interact closely with established researchers and to get feedback on their research, provide advice on career possibilities and build a professional network, improving the cohesion of new researchers with the ICAPS community.

The DC is open to all doctoral student attendees of the conference and will take place on Sunday, June 19 (the day before ICAPS workshops and tutorials). Attendance is free for everybody joining ICAPS, participation in the Mentoring Program requires registration with the organizers, see below.

Mentoring Program

We encourage current doctoral students who are at least one year in their PhD and at least one year away from defense/completion to apply for the Mentoring Program.

The Mentoring Program is designed to provide Ph.D. students working in an area relevant to the ICAPS community with an opportunity for in-depth advice by senior members of the field regarding careers and research skills. Each student accepted to the program will be matched with an established researcher in the field who will assist the student with research and career management advice. Applicants are encouraged to provide their suggestions for fitting mentors, otherwise we make a selection based on topics / area of interests.

Application Procedure for the Mentoring Program

To participate in the Mentoring Program, an application is required.

Applicants for the Mentoring Program should submit various documents, most notably a CV and a dissertation abstract of 4+1 pages (but also other documents). Detailed instructions will be provided on the DC website: http://icaps22.icaps-conference.org/dc-2022

Important Dates for Mentoring Program:

We've put together a preliminary schedule, though it might be subject to change:

- Submission deadline: February 27, 2022 (FYI: ICAPS notification is: February 18)
- Notification date:    March, 27, 2022
- Doctoral Consortium: June 19, 2022

Format and Schedule

We will follow the same format as ICAPS, which is currently planned as hybrid. So online participation will be possible no matter what, and we hope for physical participation as well.

Contact Information

For any questions, feedback, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us!

Pascal Bercher:
  pascal.bercher at anu.edu.au

Sara Bernardini
  sara.bernardini at rhul.ac.uk

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