[agents] post doctoral position in Umea

Dignum, F.P.M. (Frank) F.P.M.Dignum at uu.nl
Mon Sep 16 08:40:42 EDT 2019

The Socially Aware AI group led by prof. Frank Dignum at Umeå University in Sweden has an open position for a postdoc.

The project is described as follows:

In order to create socially aware AI systems we need a good understanding and computational models of social reality. I.e. we need to know how things like norms, conventions, organizations, etc. influence the behaviour of individuals and how they are adapted by their use as well. Computational models of these social concepts will thus contain at least aspects related to their influence on the decision making of individual agents, but also on how individuals shape these social concepts through their behaviour. Both of these aspects have to be incorporated and linked in the computational model.

The aim of this project is to develop multi-agent systems in which the agents are influenced by norms and other social rules, while learning from their experience using these social concepts and thus also slowly shaping new norms and conventions. The theoretical foundations will be based on existing work from our group, but especially the interaction between learning behaviour and social rules is to be explored. In order to test the usability of the developed models we aim to have at least one use case related to social simulation for policy making.

For more information and applications see https://umu.varbi.com/en/what:job/jobID:285150/

For further enquiries about this position contact Frank Dignum: dignum at cs.umu.se<mailto:dignum at cs.umu.se>


Frank Dignum                            *
Utrecht University                      *Knowledge is only one point,
The Netherlands                         *the ignorant have multiplied it
e-mail: F.P.M.Dignum at uu.nl<mailto:F.P.M.Dignum at uu.nl>              *
url: www.staff.science.uu.nl/~dignu101/<http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~dignu101/> *                  (Baha'u'llah)
telephone: +31-30-2539109               *

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