[agents] 2nd CFP NIPS 2016 Workshop on Learning, Inference and Control of Multi-Agent Systems

Tuyls, Karl K.Tuyls at liverpool.ac.uk
Wed Oct 5 03:13:44 EDT 2016

NIPS 2016 Workshop on Learning, Inference and Control of Multi-Agent Systems
10 December 2016, Barcelona, Spain
Submission deadline: 21 October 2016

Organizers: Thore Graepel, Marc Lanctot, Joel Leibo, Guy Lever, Janusz Marecki, Frans Oliehoek, Karl Tuyls

Multi-agent learning is of crucial importance to the future of computational intelligence and poses difficult and fascinating problems that need to be addressed across disciplines. The paradigm shift from single-agent to multi-agent systems will be pervasive and will require efforts across different fields including machine learning, cognitive science, robotics, natural computing, and (evolutionary) game theory. In this workshop we aim to bring together researchers from these different fields to discuss the current state of the art, future avenues and visions for work regarding theory and practice of multi-agent learning, inference, and decision-making.

Authors can submit a 2-6 pages paper (excluding references) that will be reviewed by the organization committee. The papers can present new work or give a summary of recent work of the author(s). All papers will be considered for the poster sessions. Outstanding long papers (4-6 pages) will also be considered for a 20 minutes oral presentation.

Topics considered for contribution include:

Multi-agent reinforcement learning
Deep multi-agent learning
Theory of Mind
Multi-agent communication
POMDPs, Dec-POMDPS and partially observable stochastic games
Multi-agent robotics, human-robot collaboration, swarm robotics
Game theory, mechanism design, algorithms for computing Nash equilibria and other solution concepts
Bioinspired approaches, swarm intelligence and collective intelligence
Co-evolution, evolutionary dynamics and culture
Ad hoc teamwork
Learning from demonstrations, apprenticeship learning, and inverse reinforcement learning

Submissions can be made here<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nips2016workshopmali>; NB you will need an EasyChair account to do so.

Please use the standard NIPS style-file for the submissions. Your submission should be anonymous, so please do not add the author names to the PDF.

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