CMSC 471

Artificial Intelligence -- Fall 2012

Extra Credit Assignment
out 11/15/12; topics due 11/27/12; presentations on 12/4/12

PART I. Game AI Presentation (20 pts.)

Find a scholarly paper (survey papers are okay) from a conference or journal on a topic relevant to game AI, then produce a roughly 5 minute presentation giving the highlights of your article for the class. You should only have a few slides giving the most exciting/interesting bits from your article. If we have too many/too few students interested in this assignment, we'll adjust the presentation schedule accordingly.

PART II. Game AI Paper (20 pts.)

Write a 1-2 page summary of your paper. The summary should not be a copy or even a paraphrasing of the introduction/conclusions of your paper. Your summary does not need to be a scholarly work, it should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the hypotheses, method, results and contributions of the paper you read. You should also include a brief comparison of the advantages of your paper's approach vs the others described in their related work. If you selected a survey paper to present, then your summary ought to focus almost exclusively on a comparison of the different techniques discussed in the paper. Please don't plagiarize anything from your paper. It is extraordinarily easy to catch in this kind of format, and all I really want to see is that you were able to read and make sense of a scholarly article.


I'll try to keep a list of any paper repositories I find for these articles. Here's a pretty substantial list of recent papers which were all published in respectable formats, but any conference/journal paper should be acceptable.