Lab 1 Prelab Questions WARNING: If you are not familiar with the Linux/UNIX operating system and have never written code in Linux, it is HIGHLY recommended that you read through the lab and work through at least some of the exercises before attending lab. This is a particularly long lab if you have little to no Linux experience. I particularly recommend stepping through the Linux basics and the emacs (or vi) material. The rest you should be able to complete without much difficulty. There are many tutorials and other Linux resources on the Resources page if you are still having difficulty. 1. Do you know your myUMBC userid and password? If not, you will need that prior to attending lab. 2. What would the line of code look like that would print the message "Hello World" to the screen in C++? 3. Define a C++ style string named 'message' (use this as the variable name) and give it the initial value "Hello World". 4. Print the message to the screen using the variable 'message'. 5. Prompt the user for an integer, accept that integer using C++ constructs. 6. Write a short program using C++ constructs that will request 5 integers from the user, average them together and print the result.