UMBC CS 201,Spring 05
UMBC CMSC 201 Spring '05 CSEE | 201 | 201 S'05 | lectures | news | resources |discussion| help

CMSC 201
Programming Project Four

Hailstone Sequences

Clarification Note

Here are some important clarifications on project four.

(1) Do not use sprintf to construct the file name. We want to give you a chance to use some of the string manipulation characters (e.g., strcat and friends). Recall what the problem is: given two integers for a range, say 9 and 18, construct a string like hail9to18.out. You can use strcat to concatenate strings, but how do you get the string "18" from the integer 18? You will have to write a function that takes an integer and returns a string of the digits in the integer.

HINT: you can get the right-most digit of integer N via (N%10). You can map that to the appropriate string (e.g., "4") in any of several ways. You can extract all of the digits in turn by repeatedly dividing N by 10 and reading out the digit, until the number N becomes 0.

(2) You must use a dynamically allocated array to store the sequence lengths when printing a histogram. We want to give you some experience in dynamic memory allocation and use. While it's true that the ranges will be 13 or less and you therefore *could* use a preallocated array of length 13 you will not be allowed to do it this way. For each range, you must allocate memory for an array of the appropriate length to hold the length values as they are generated. You must also free the memory after it is no longer needed.

NOTE: We suggested that the array be an arry of HAIL structures where each one holds two integers: a value and a sequence length. You can use a different design if you want, but you must you a dynamically allocated array just big enought for the current range.

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Thursday, 21-Apr-2005 15:34:39 EDT