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"Animals are not just herbivores or carnivores. They are, in a nice coinage of the psychologist George Miller, informavores. And they get their epistemic hunger from the combination, in exquisite organization, of the specific epistemic hunger of millions of microagents, organized into dozens or hundreds or thousands of subsystems. Each of these tiny agents can be conceived of as an utterly minimal intentional system, whose life project is to ask a single question, over and over and over -- "Is my message coming in NOW?" "Is my message coming in NOW?" -- and springing into limited but appropriate action whenever the answer is YES."
    -- Daniel Dennett, Kinds of Minds.


Volume 1,Number 10
July 22, 1996
Baltimore, MD

Modified Wednesday, 31-Jul-1996 19:54:28 EDT


Intelligent Agents = Stupid Humans?

Wired magazine is sponsoring a web-based debate between Pattie Maes and Jaron Lanier on Intelligent Agents = Stupid Humans? which deals with the feasibility and desirability of intelligent agents. The debate consists of daily comments and responses from the participant between June 15 and June 24 and also includes a forum for ongoing comments from observers. This is the latest debate in Wired's "Brain Tennis" series which previously has featured "the Web as a perpetually unprofitable publishing medium", "the end of science", and "journalistic objectivity". The two are starting from somewhat different perspectives:
  • Pattie Maes: "Agents will bring about a social revolution: almost anyone will have access to the kind of support staff that today is the mark of a few privileged people. As a result, they will be able to digest large amounts of information and engage in several different activities at once."
  • Jaron Lanier: "The idea of 'intelligent agents' is both wrong and evil. I also believe that this is an issue of real consequence to the near-term future of culture and society. As the infobahn rears its gargantuan head, the agent question looms as a deciding factor in whether this new beast will be much better than TV, or much worse."


IBM's Aglets library

IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory is making available an early release of their Aglets Library for programming mobile agents in Java(tm). The package is based on JDK 1.0.2 and Object Serialization in the RMI package from JavaSoft. The first beta release includes Java packages, documentation, and a demo applications.

Tcl Plug-ins for Netscape Navigator

Sun has released Tcl Plug-ins for Netscape Navigator, making it possible to create Web pages that include Tcl/Tk scripts. This provides an interesting alternative to the use of Java applets for Web-based agent programs. Ray Johnson says "Tcl/Tk complements the capabilities of Java. While Java is a system programming language that meets the needs of sophisticated programmers with features such as objects, threads, and rich class libraries, Tcl/Tk is a scripting language that is ideal for smaller applications, such as simple user interfaces, macros, and system integration." Sun's current version of the Tcl plug-in runs only with Netscape Navigator under Solaris, Macintosh, and Windows with support for other browsers and operating systems planned.

Java Agent Template

Java Agent Template, Version 0.3, is now available. The JAT provides a fully functional template, written entirely in the Java language, for constructing KQML-speaking software agents which communicate peer-to-peer with a community of other agents distributed over the Internet. The JAT includes functionality for dynamically exchanging "Resources", which can include Java classes (e.g. new languages and interpreters, remote services, etc.), data files and information inlined into the KQML messages. JAT agents can be executed as either stand alone applications or as applets via the appletviewer.
Swarm is a software package for multi-agent simulation of complex systems being developed at The Santa Fe Institute. Swarm is intended to be a useful tool for researchers in a variety of disciplines, especially artificial life. The basic architecture of Swarm is the simulation of collections of concurrently interacting agents: with this architecture, we can implement a large variety of agent based models. Swarm runs on Unix machines running GNU Objective C and X windows. The beta release is available for download to the general public and source code is freely available under GNU Licensing terms.
Agentsheets is an authoring environment developed by Alex Repenning at the University of Colorado at Boulder. It features a versatile construction paradigm to build dynamic, visual environments for a wide range of problem domains such as art, artificial life, distributed artificial intelligence, education, environmental design, object-oriented programming, simulation and visual programming. The construction paradigm consists of a large number of autonomous, communicating agents organized in a grid, called the agentsheet. Agents can use different communication modalities such as animation, sound and speech. Agentsheets is written in Macintosh Common LISP (MCL 2.0) and is available from the author.

Java classes for intelligent agents

Bits & Pixels's Java Intelligent Agent Library ($179) provides components for building intelligent agents, implemented entirely in Java. The library is a collection of over 150 java classes covering various aspects of building intelligent agents. In addition to agent communication and data handling facilities, the library contains rule-based and neural net-based processing modules. There is also an extensive modeling facility for prototyping agent interactions and graphical classes for creating static and animated interactive displays.


Cave automata

xxx.lanl.gov's web administrators complain of ``"intelligent agents" (a.k.a. "robots") that mindlessly download every link encountered, ultimately trying to access the entire database through the listings links.''. They have followed the proposed standard for robot exclusion by maintaining a file /robots.txt specifying the URL's that are off-limits to robots, but this has not been effective. So, to protect themselves, they have set a robot trap (at http://xxx.lanl.gov/seek-and-destroy -- caution: do not visit this page). They say ``We are not willing to play sitting duck to nonsensical methods of "indexing" information. This server is configured to monitor activity and deny access to sites that violate the above guidelines. Continued rapid-fire requests from any site after access has been denied (i.e. with 403 Access denied HTTP response) will be interpreted as a network attack; and we will respond accordingly --- without hesitation, and without further warning.''.

SUMPY maintains Unix file systems

SUMPY: A Fuzzy Software Agent, Hongjun Song, Stan Franklin, and Aregahegn Negatu, Proceedings of the international conference on intelligent systems, Reno, Nevada, June 19-21, 1996. Abstract: SUMPY is a software agent "living" in and helping to maintain a UNIX file system for better disk space utilization by compressing and backing up files. Built using subsumption architecture, SUMPY displays a "plug and play" property. A new UNIX maintenance task can be added to SUMPY's repertoire without modification of existing layers. One of SUMPY's layers sports a fuzzy control mechanism enabling it to achieve its goals in a real-world manner. Another restricts SUMPY's activity to times of slow CPU use. An experiment in agent architecture and in the use of agents for such maintenance tasks, SUMPY promises to prove useful, and has added no significant problems to the test systems.

Will this agent help you "get a life"?

LifestyleFinder is an intelligent agent developed by Bruce Krulwich of Andersen Consulting. It was tested on Friday, July 19th, between 10am and 12 noon Central (Chicago) time. They expect to launch LifestyleFinder for real on July 29th, and are testing it now for accuracy and for system load. No word on what it will do, but check out "http://bf.cstar.ac.com/bf/lifestylefinder" once it is released to find out.

Agent Knowledgebase Associates is a Virginia Beach based company specializing in "Knowledge Management, Information Agents and WWW Advertising".


Autonomous characters

Characters, improvisation, and... is Craig Reynolds's collection of references to autonomous characters that can improvise and react to their environment.

Computists International

Computists International is an AI-research-oriented mutual-aid association which publishes highly condensed email newsletters: the twice-weekly Computists' Communique (TCC) and the weekly Computists' Career Jobs (CCJ), Computists' Applied Jobs (CAJ), and Computists' Research Software (CRS). TCC has been published by Dr. Kenneth I. Laws (laws@computists.com) since 1991 and includes information on grant and funding opportunities; industry news; Internet and Web news; online resources; research discussion lists; news and software offers in AI, neural networks, genetic algorithms, machine learning, pattern recognition, text understanding, NLP, etc.; software development resources; and career or entrepreneurial tips.

Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams, Explorations in Massively Parallel Microworlds, Mitchel Resnick, 1994, Complex Adaptive Systems series. MIT Press, A Bradford Book, ISBN 0-262-18162-2, 192 pp., $24.95 (cloth). Resnick discusses decentralized systems of agents, self-organizing phenomena and their simulation using the massively parallel programming language StarLogo. StarLogo is a programmable modeling environment specially designed to allow students to explore the behaviors of decentralized systems, such as bird flocks, traffic jams, and ant colonies. StarLogo can be downloaded from the Internet without cost.

Architectures for human-like agents

What sort of architecture is required for a human-like agent?, Aaron Sloman, The University of Birmingham. Invited talk at Cognitive Modeling Workshop, AAAI96, Portland Oregon, Aug 1996. Abstract: This paper is about how to give human-like powers to complete agents. For this the most important design choice concerns the overall architecture. Questions regarding detailed mechanisms, forms of representations, inference capabilities, knowledge etc. are best addressed in the context of a global architecture in which different design decisions need to be linked. Such a design would assemble various kinds of functionality into a complete coherent working system, in which there are many concurrent, partly independent, partly mutually supportive, partly potentially incompatible processes, addressing a multitude of issues on different time scales, including asynchronous, concurrent, motive generators. Designing human like agents is part of the more general problem of understanding design space, niche space and their interrelations, for, in the abstract, there is no one optimal design, as biological diversity on earth shows.

Intelligent Software Agents on the Internet

Intelligent Software Agents on the Internet: an inventory of currently offered functionality in the information society & a prediction of (near-)future developments" Bjorn Hermans, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands. Abstract: Software agents are a rapidly developing area of research. However, to many it is unclear what agents are and what they can (and maybe cannot) do. In the first part, this thesis will provide an overview of these, and many other agent-related theoretical and practical aspects. Besides that, a model is presented which will enhance and extend agents' abilities, but will also improve the way the Internet can be used to obtain or offer information and services on it. The second part is all about trends and developments. On the basis of past and present developments of the most important, relevant and involved parties and factors, future trends and developments are extrapolated and predicted.

Personal agents: A walk on the client side

Personal agents: A walk on the client side, P. J. Kearney, Real-World Applications of Intelligent Agent Technology seminar London, June 1996, Unicom. This paper will also be presented at the IBC Seminar on Intelligent Agents, London June 1996. An earlier version was presented at the IEE Professional Group C3 Colloquium on Intelligent Agents and their applications, April 1996. Digest No: 1996/101, Distributed Intelligent Systems, Sharp Laboratories of Europe Ltd. Oxford, UK. Abstract: The world is fast becoming a giant heterogeneous information system in which personal electronics products (including PDAs, PCs, set-top-boxes, etc.) play a key role. The vast number and diversity of the components and uses of the system necessitates a decentralized, emergent organization. The agent metaphor offers an attractive route to achieving such an organization. In this paper, I outline the role of agent software in personal electronics in mediating between the individual user and the available services and project a likely sequence in which personal agent-based products will be successful. I also discuss various standardization and interoperability issues affecting the practicality of agents in this role.

Network-aware mobile programs

Network-aware Mobile Programs, M. Ranganathan, Anurag Acharya, Shamik Sharma, Joel Saltz, Submitted for USENIX'97. Abstract: In this paper, we investigate network-aware mobile programs, programs that can use mobility as a tool to adapt to variations in network characteristics. We present infrastructural support for mobility and network monitoring and show how adaptalk, a Java-based mobile Internet chat application can take advantage of this support to dynamically place the chat server so as to minimize response time. Our conclusion was that on-line network monitoring and adaptive placement of shared data-structures can significantly improve performance of distributed applications on the Internet.

Resource monitoring for mobile objects

Distributed Resource Monitors for Mobile Objects, M. Ranganathan, Anurag Acharya, Joel Saltz, Position paper submitted to IWOOOS'96. Abstract: We present our position on resource monitoring as three working hypotheses. First, a resource-aware placement of components of a distributed application can provide significant performance gains over a resource-oblivious placement. Second, effective mobility decisions can be based on coarse-grained monitoring. Finally, a simple and cheap distributed resource monitoring scheme can provide sufficient information for effective mobility decisions. We present a design for distributed resource monitors which we believe can provide effective resource information at an acceptable cost.


ICMAS'96 Workshop: Learning, Interaction and Organizations in Multiagent Environments

Learning, Interaction and Organizations in Multiagent Environments, ICMAS'96 Workshop, December 10th, 1996. Extended abstracts due August 25. This workshop FOCUSES on the relationships between learning, interaction and organizations in multiagent environments. The need for studying these relationships is twofold. On the one hand, the efficiency and the success of a multiagent system largely depends on how efficient and successful the individual agents interact. On the other hand, even in simplified application domains it is almost impossible to correctly specify appropriate interactions between the individual agents a priori, and it is therefore desirable that the agents themselves are capable of learning to interact appropriately. The workshop is INTENDED to cover the whole range of open questions and problems concerning these relationships in all types of multiagent systems (e.g., robots interacting with dynamic environments, multiple robot systems, systems composed of interacting software agents, hybrid systems composed of both interacting humans and machines). A major GOAL of the workshop is to get a better understanding of how learning can improve the interactivity between agents embedded in multiagent environments.

ICMAS'96 Workshop -- Animal societies as a DAI metaphor

Animal societies as an alternative metaphor basis for Distributed Artificial Intelligence , an ICMAS'96 Workshop, December 10th, 1996 (Keihanna Plaza, Kyoto, Japan). Scope: When designing computational organizations, DAI research generally gives more attention to sociological metaphors than to biological ones. However, it is worth noting that most of the issues being addressed in DAI (e.g., cooperation, coordination, organization, social interaction) have a significant intersection with the goals and interests of a variety of research communities (ethology, primatology, behavioral ecology, or artificial life) that study the social mechanisms that occur in non-human societies - i.e. animal societies.


AgentWeb Salon opens

AgentWeb salon is a Java-based on-line chat room for people and agents interested in real-time interactions. It is implemented with the alpha version of JavaTalk!, an interactive web (java) based chat.

1300+ subscribers

AgentNews WebLetter now has over 1300 email subscribers. The ASCII version is still the most popular but more and more people are signing up for the HTML or URL version. So far, only two agents have elected to receive it via KQML.
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