Re: Transitive closure

Tim Finin (
Thu, 06 Mar 2003 14:08:19 -0500

anjali1 wrote:
> The transitive closure relation works perfect. The only mistake that
> some of you might be making must be defining the transitive closure predicate
> first, then declaring the parent/2 predicate as :-hilog parent, followed by
> the ancestor relation. I too made the same mistake.
> However the correct method is to first declare the parent/2 predicate
> as hilog using :-hilog parent , followed by the generic transitive closure
> relation and in the end the ancestor relation. The thing of essence here is
> the order. If that is correct, then we do not have any problems.

This makes sense. If XSB were closer to being a pure logic based
language then the order would not make a difference. I can imagine
why the order is important in this case. Here's a reasonable way (or
maybe just an *easy* way) to implement hilog terms -- modify the term
*reader* so that when it reads a term, say foo(1,2,3), it checks to
see if foo has been declared as a hilog term. If not, it builds a
regular term. If so, it builds and returns the term

So, the declaration of foo to be a hilog term will not effect any
programs or data loaded before the declaration, only terms read after
the declaration.

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